Not taking my own advice.

For the past few weeks I’ve been subject to not heeding my own words. I was considering not blogging anymore because I let my thoughts of doubt linger.I was seeing no point in my writing and thinking about what else I could pursue. “The resistance” that Stephen Pressfield refers to in his book, “The war of art” was winning. All of my motivational writing to keep going when it’s hard, having the right mindset, and how accomplishing anything worthwhile takes time were fleeting when it came to writing these past few weeks.

I realize that my grammar is oftentimes wrong, my sentences run on and on and on(see above), and that my writing is not always structured well… I have decided to continue in my efforts, and over time I will improve. Regardless of whether anyone reads them or not, I will continue writing. My plan is at least one post per week, no matter the length.
There’s something powerful in orchestrating your thoughts and putting them out for the world to see and critique. It’s challenging and it spurs growth in you. If nothing else, I will go through that challenge and see my growth on the other side of writing this blog. 

One Reply to “”

  1. Don’t be discouraged. I feel just the same way but my driving force is the passion i have for writing. Posting an article without seeing comments is a huge turn off, but when you keep pressing forward, the right community will find you out. I still struggle with my grammar, irrespective of that, i can still see improvement. The more you write, the more advanced you become.

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