Meaning and Purpose

Where you are currently does not matter. You might be gathering carts at Wal-Mart, you might be going door to door in sales, you might get behind a desk at a computer all day and not interact with anyone… It doesn’t matter what you do. It matters how you do it. Gathering carts from Wal-Mart might seem meaningless, but the interactions you have with people, the kindness you can show to the people driving, and the attitude with which you do your job is not meaningless.

Your job, your home life, your family, your friends…. they could all be completely terrible.

Or, they might all be completely great! For most people it’s somewhere in the middle. The circumstance does not matter. What matters is how we handle ourselves in the midst of it. It matters that we live full lives and when we die, we die empty. We should go to our death bed knowing that we spent everything of ourselves and more.

Almost everyone who dies, dies with some untouched capacity. A greater capacity for love, passion, joy, creativity, etc…The road that has been often travelled leads to unfulfilled potential.

I believe it is our job to die with as little untouched capacity as possible. It is our job to travel the roads less traveled, and discover new things. It is our job to live full, complete lives. When we die- we should die emptied out of all that we can give.

Wring yourself out living a full life, get every last drop out.

Do it as unto the Lord.

You’ll find that when you feel like you have been wrung completely dry… When you feel like you have dug so deep that there is not possibly anything else to dig up… You will find a spring that you did not know was there.

Live your life as if how you live really, truly matters… Because it does.

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